Our Mission Statement

To ensure that our communities stay connected during times of crisis and emergency, when normal means of communication fail to function.

Comms Solutions

NCC utilizes a group of GMRS repeaters that cover the entire metro DC area, with sufficient coverage in any type of crisis or disaster.

Emergency Response

When disaster strikes, every second counts. That's why Mid-Atlantic REACT offers 365/24/7 emergency response services.

Think Tank

NCC offers communication planning services to help businesses, governments and organizations prepare for emergencies.

Our Capabilities

National Capitol Communications offers a wide range of emergency communications services to the Washington DC Metro area. Our team of experts provides communications solutions that are tailored to meet the needs of our communities. NCC utilizes a group of GMRS repeaters that cover the entire metro DC area. Our repeater network has sufficient coverage in any type of crisis that could arise. NCC's current available assets include UAVs and manned aircraft equipped with repeater capabilities, which can provide close air-to-ground communications. We have several transportable, cross-band and tactical repeaters that can be deployed anywhere and anytime.

We rely on our own commercial infrastructure along with GMRS as our primary two-way communications. Citizens Band (CB) radio as well as amateur (ham) bands are available as secondary sources of communication, if and when needed.

Our team of experts is always on call and ready to respond to any emergency. We believe that communication is key to building strong communities. National Capitol Communications is committed to educating the public about emergency communications and preparedness.

We work with local organizations and schools to provide training and resources for emergency communication planning. Our team works with clients to develop comprehensive communication plans that are tailored to their specific needs. We help businesses and organizations stay connected during times of crisis.

Mid-Atlantic REACT and NCC's MISSION is to ensure that our communities stay connected during times of crisis and emergency, when normal means of communication fail to function. We work with local authorities and organizations to provide communication solutions that help save lives and protect property.

REACT International's mission is to provide public service communications to individuals, organizations, and government agencies. Their goal is to save lives, prevent injuries, and offer assistance wherever and whenever needed.

Regional GMRS Frequency Coordination and Database Services

Due to the number or repeaters in our Area of Operations, NCC and Mid-Atlantic react serve as a clearinghouse and volunteer frequency coordinator for those who seek deconfliction guidance and mediation.
Frequency Coordinators keep extensive records of repeater input, output and control frequencies, including those not published in directories (at the owner's request). The coordinator will recommend frequencies for a proposed repeater in order to minimize interference with other repeaters and simplex operations. Therefore, anyone considering the installation of a repeater should check with the local frequency coordinator prior to such installation.
Repeater coordination is not required by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), nor does the FCC regulate, certify, or otherwise regulate frequency coordination. This is true for both GMRS and Amateur Radio. While the AARL has volunteer coordinators nationwide, GMRS does not. The purpose of a repeater/frequency coordination entity is to try to keep interference between repeaters and their users to a minimum.
Repeater Coordinators or coordination groups are all volunteers and have no legal authority to assume jurisdictional or regional control in any area where the Federal Communications Commission regulates the Radio Service. The purpose of coordinating a repeater or frequency is to reduce harmful interference to other fixed operations. Coordinating a repeater or frequency with other fixed operations demonstrates good engineering practice.
One of our NCC and Mid-Atlantic REACT members, who owns many of the local repeaters, has been involved with GMRS since 1973 and does an excellent job working with other repeater owners for selection of frequencies, tones and deconflicting overlap within the geographic area.


We want to thank the community for awesome testimonials!